Team Members

SAP Practice Director

Jay Wynter

With a career spanning over a decade in the recruitment industry, Jay has established himself as a seasoned professional with a specialized focus on the ANZ SAP market. Originally from the UK, Jay made the move to Australia in 2012, joined Precision Sourcing in 2014 and learnt the recruitment craft.
Throughout his tenure, Jay has demonstrated ongoing commitment to his craft, consistently delivering exceptional results. Over the past 10 years, he has successfully placed over 300 SAP specialists, earning a reputation as a trusted advisor within the industry. Please see the 80+ recommendations on his Linked In page.

Notably, Jay has been the top company biller for six consecutive years, from 2017 to 2022 and is the RCSA recognized Rising Star Award winner in 2019. Now heading up the SAP Team, the team has been instrumental in driving the company’s success, with team now accountable for an impressive 50% of the company’s revenue.

As the head of the SAP Team, Jay continues to lead with passion and drive, leveraging their in-depth market knowledge and extensive network to connect top talent with leading organizations. Jay also runs value adding initiatives to give back to the SAP community by hosting our SAP specific Podcast called ‘Configure It Done’ interviewing top SAP leaders in ANZ and sharing their insights for the market to learn. The SAP Team also are the founders of The SAP Knowledge Share Group Event. A group of 70 SAP professionals coming together to learn valuable insights from SAP domain specific specialists. In 2024 The SAP Knowledge Share Group Event is being ran in 5 different location all over Australia and is in collaboration with SAP themselves. With these initiatives Jay remains at the forefront of the recruitment landscape, shaping the future of SAP talent acquisition in the ANZ region.




Who Can Help You

Welcome to Precision Sourcing, experts in sourcing niche talent for contract and permanent positions within Technology and Data across Australia.